An Unlikely Match: PR Parallels from the Ashley Madison Hack

  Throughout the week, we’ve watched the result of the Ashley Madison hack unravel, publicly shaming well-known celebrities, government officials, and affecting the relationships of numerous couples. The hack further drives home the point that any information published on the web is there to stay. A company’s reputation largely depends on the articles published about […]

Lights, Camera, Preparation: 3 Things You Need to Nail a TV Appearance

While the online media has completely exploded in recent years and video has become much more prevalent, television is still a coveted medium. The awe-inducing factor of seeing either a product or yourself on TV hasn’t gone away despite the YouTube stars who, in some, cases have more fans than Hollywood stars – but I […]

How to Measure Social Media Success

“How do you measure the success of brand’s social presence” is a question we receive time and time again. Evaluating the success of your social efforts can be challenging, but by using the five key components below you’re sure to unlock valuable insights into your audience demographic, competitive landscape and sales metrics.   1. Consumer […]